I love movies, always have, always will. I love good movies even more! So, I decided it was time to make sure I've seen what's commonly accepted as the 100 greatest, as decided by the AFI. Some of the movies on the list I've seen a million times, some I've seen maybe once when I was little. With the help of my streaming subscription to Netflix, and getting my little red envelopes in the mail too, I will definitely conquer this list - and I can't wait! Please feel free to watch along or add comments about your movies as I watch them! Get the popcorn and milkduds ready!

Monday, September 19, 2011

#98 Yankee Doodle Dandy

Starring: James Cagney

Fun, patriotic movie bio about George M Cohan. Great, feel-good film :)

I felt like I should have watched it on July 4th though!

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