Director: Martin Scorsese
Starring: Robert DeNiro (Lots of people in this movie! Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel, Peter Boyle, Albert Brooks)
Story about a NYC man who literally goes crazy... you can see the progression from the beginning when he takes the job as a cabbie; you can see he grows paler and looks more exhausted, especially after things don't work out with Cybill Shepherd's character. By the time he is purchasing guns, and training physically, he is definitely insane. I thought I had seen this movie once before, but I didn't remember the end, when he was hailed as a hero and returns to work in his cab. One thing I didn't like at all was the weird music that played most of the time in the background. Overall, I would say I liked but didn't love this one!
Trivia: De Niro worked twelve hour days for a month driving cabs as preparation for this role. He also studied mental illness.
Up Next: West Side Story
I love movies, always have, always will. I love good movies even more! So, I decided it was time to make sure I've seen what's commonly accepted as the 100 greatest, as decided by the AFI. Some of the movies on the list I've seen a million times, some I've seen maybe once when I was little. With the help of my streaming subscription to Netflix, and getting my little red envelopes in the mail too, I will definitely conquer this list - and I can't wait! Please feel free to watch along or add comments about your movies as I watch them! Get the popcorn and milkduds ready!
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